You need lifetime care to achieve a beautiful smile with healthy teeth. Whenever you meet a new person, the second thing they notice about you after your clothes is your white teeth. Even if you don’t smile, they can see it while you are talking to them. That’s the reason it is important for you to take care of your oral hygiene and teeth. You use your mouth to eat, smile and speak, and poor oral health can affect all of them.

Have you ever had a toothache? It’s the worst kind of pain, especially when it radiates to the head and throat. Healthy teeth are a blessing and we don’t realize this until we face an actual problem. We take this for granted and don’t stress too much on oral hygiene. The most common health disorder in the world is tooth cavity or gum disease.

There are several reasons why a tooth starts decaying but it usually occurs due to the build-up of plaque.

● Poor Oral Hygiene

● Plaque Formation

● Dry Mouth

● Smoking & Drinking

In the beginning stage of tooth decay, application of fluoride varnish to the influenced area might be sufficient to treat the condition. In the further developed stages, where cavities have formed, the decay is evacuated and the tooth might be loaded up with a filling or set with a crown. In situations where the internal nerves are uncovered and causing serious pain, a root canal treatment is prescribed.

Treatment of tooth decay may include:

● Fluoride​: This is the most effective method of preventing and controlling the decay. It is applied over the decayed tooth in the form of a gel, paste or varnish. It limits the spread of tooth decay. This is the reason we suggest everyone use a toothpaste that contains fluoride as it strengthens the tooth enamel and protects against cavity.

● Cavity filing​: A dental filling is used when the cavity is formed in tooth enamel with affecting the tooth pulp. It acts like a replacement for the natural enamel by sealing onto the tooth using dental cement.

● Artificial tooth crown​: An artificial tooth crown is another way to treat the cavity. In this, decayed part of the tooth is drilled off and an artificial tooth like a crown is placed over the drilled tooth.

● Root canal treatment​: Root canal is the last option to save the tooth. It is suggested when the pulp of the tooth is affected, it causes intense pain on exposure to hot or cold food and drinks. In this treatment, the natural pulp is replaced with an artificial pulp.

● Extraction of the tooth​: When your tooth get totally damaged due to decay, your dentist may require to extract the tooth. It prevents the spread of the decayed tooth to other teeth. Your dentist can replace you removed the tooth with an artificial partial denture or tooth implant to maintain the appearance.

h to other teeth. Your dentist can replace you removed the tooth with an artificial partial denture or tooth implant to maintain the appearance.

You might not be aware that your tooth is decaying. This is the reason it is important to have regular dental checkup and cleaning. ​If you experience sensitivity or your tooth is decayed, you can visit for an emergency at Dental Care of Plano. We provide emergency dentistry and have a team of best dentists in Plano for your better oral wellbeing.