Do I Need to Replace a Missing Tooth?

Just like hair loss, loss of teeth is an inevitable part of life, and it may occur sooner rather than later for some. Of course, dental procedures may be quite expensive, and often a tooth loss occurs in a less visible part of your smile, you may consider skipping replacing it. While it may seem hassle-free to you, it is important to note the consequences.

Let’s look at the reasons that make tooth replacement necessary:

Why You Must Replace a Missing Tooth

If you do not fill in the gap your lost tooth leaves behind, it will cause the teeth to shift towards each other to fill in the gap. As a result, you will suffer from malocclusion, a condition of an abnormal misalignment of teeth.

Several complications can arise from malocclusion, including crossbite or overbite from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder.  The strain on the hinge in your jaw can lead to pain, clicking or locking of the joint, and difficulty chewing.

The shifting of teeth may also make it difficult to clean hard to reach areas, which could lead to tooth decay and gum disease. If untreated, gingivitis could progress into periodontitis, resulting in bone loss, further shifting, and further tooth loss.

With the loss of a tooth, the alveolar bone, which is the part of the jawbone that holds the teeth, does not receive normal stimulation. As the bone is no longer required, the jawbone breaks down and deteriorates resulting in bone atrophy. This further changes the structure of your face, which can cause pain and appear sunken in.

Missing teeth may also impact the way you speak, especially in the case of missing front teeth. A lisp or mispronunciation of words may develop when missing teeth cannot support phonic sounds.

Final thoughts

A missing tooth is not merely a gap but also the opportunity for several problems to develop, and the cost of fixing these further complications will cost you more in the long run. The best course of action is to fill in the gap quickly with a dentist’s help to preserve your physical and mental health.

If you are looking for trusted dental care in Plano, Texas, give our office a call today to schedule an appointment.