Sedation Dentistry

Dental anxiety is a very common fear shared by adults across the world and is often misunderstood or ignored. In fact, dental anxiety or dental phobia can cause many people to avoid seeing a dentist altogether, which can have drastic effects on the overall health of the body. There’s a better way.

Sedation dentistry is a method we use here at Dental Care of Plano to help any patient who feels anxiety when coming to the dentist. Through gentle sedation medications, our patients feel relaxed, calm, and even happy when visiting our office. These medications do not put you to sleep; instead, they just make you feel relaxed and reduce any pain or discomfort you may feel during any procedure.

Types of Sedation Dentistry

We offer two types of sedation here at Dental Care of Plano:

  • Oral sedation is an orally-taken medication. We’ll prescribe you the pill before your visit, and you take it about an hour before arriving. By the time you get here, you’ll feel calm. With this type of sedation, you do need someone to drive you to and from the appointment.
  • Nitrous oxide also called laughing gas, is an inhaled sedative that we administer at the start of your treatment. It takes effect immediately, and typically you do not need anyone to drive you home after your appointment. With this type of sedation, we can monitor exactly how much you need to help you feel comfortable.

Protect Your Oral Health

At Dental Care of Plano, we offer sedation dentistry for any type of appointment. Even if you just need a little help feeling comfortable at a standard checkup, we can help you avoid anxiety or fear. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation for sedation, or to schedule an appointment for dental care.