Root Canal Treatment Plano, TX

Many years ago, if you said root canal, everyone in the room would run for the hills! These days, root canal therapy is not the long and painful procedure it used to be. Thanks to modern dentistry techniques and a local anesthetic, most of our patients at Dental Care of Plano don’t find this procedure to be any more painful than a filling. And we can now perform them in one short visit. There’s no more need to avoid this helpful dental care treatment.

When Root Canals Are Needed?

Root canal therapy is used when the pulp, or the soft tissue inside the tooth root, becomes decayed. You may never know that your tooth root is decaying, or you may notice certain symptoms. These include:

  • The surface of the tooth has begun to show signs of decay.
  • The tooth is very sensitive to heat, cold, or pressure.
  • The gum around the tooth is swollen and may bleed randomly.
  • You may have a constant toothache in that area.

As you can see, a tooth that is in need of a root canal can be a painful thing far more painful than having the treatment!

Root Canal Treatment in Plano, TX

During the treatment, the hollow chamber inside the tooth root will be completely cleaned out. All pulp and any bacteria present will be removed. Any decay in the tooth enamel will also be cleaned up, and then a false pulp material will be injected into the hollow root to keep any new bacteria from getting into the area.

At that point, you may or may not need a crown to protect the weakened tooth from further decay. If you want to learn more about the process, we are always happy to answer any questions! If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, contact our office to schedule an appointment with our endodontist in Plano, TX.