

Have you ever looked in a mirror, imagined a perfect smile, and then thought it was impossible to achieve? As your dentist here in Plano, we want you to know that nothing is impossible! There’s one cosmetic dentistry procedure that can work miracles and has for many of our patients.

A porcelain veneer is a thin layer of porcelain that is adhered to the front of your tooth. It can be used to address a huge range of cosmetic concerns, including:

  • Chipped teeth
  • Misshapen or unevenly shaped teeth
  • Heavy discoloration
  • Slightly crooked teeth
  • Small gaps
  • Unevenly sized teeth

And that’s only the start! As a cosmetic procedure, veneers are not appropriate for covering issues that need to be addressed for good oral health, nor are they used to cover teeth that are more than only slightly misaligned. But if your cosmetic concerns are a collection of smaller issues that all add up to you being dissatisfied, veneers can help.

The Veneers Procedure

The beginning of the veneers procedure starts with a consultation. Patients with good oral health, great hygiene habits, and healthy enamel on their teeth are generally good candidates for this procedure. In order to apply veneers, the dentist must first remove a small layer of enamel. Then the thin shell is applied using a strong adhesive and you’re all set!

This procedure can take about two to three visits, because the veneer is specially created to match your other teeth in shade, shape, and size. This way, no one will ever know you weren’t simply born with a beautiful smile. This is not a permanent dental solution, and will generally have to be replaced within seven to 20 years, depending on many factors.

If you want to learn more, or you’re ready to get started on your brand new smile, contact Dental Care of Plano today.