Tooth Extractions

The main goal of any dental treatment is to save your natural teeth. However, there are times when extracting a tooth may be the best option for your overall oral health. At Dental Care of Plano, we take great care to make this a last resort. But if you should need a tooth extraction, here is what you can expect.

Why Extract Teeth?

Only rare circumstances require a tooth extraction. Those may include:

  • A tooth that is unable to be repaired due to heavy decay
  • A tooth that needs a root canal, but root canal therapy is not advisable for other reasons
  • A tooth that has grown in sideways, such as wisdom teeth
  • A tooth that is putting pressure on neighboring teeth
  • Severe bone loss around a tooth

Tooth Extraction Procedure

In order to extract teeth safely and without pain, we will first use a local anesthetic to numb the area around the tooth. You will feel relaxed and very comfortable during the entire procedure, but you will stay awake and be able to drive yourself home after. The tooth extraction will be performed very carefully to reduce trauma to the gum and other tissue in the area.

Once your dentist pulls the tooth, the next steps will be to protect your oral health. Having a missing tooth can cause your bite to shift, make other teeth susceptible to decay, and more. So we will either recommend replacing the lost tooth or work towards protecting the rest of your mouth with other treatments.

Need to Know More?

If you have a tooth that is decayed, painful, growing in incorrectly, impacted, or otherwise unhealthy, contact us to schedule an appointment with our dentist in Plano, TX to learn more about tooth extractions. While it is never an option we hope to use, it can lead to a healthier, more attractive smile.