Radiographs or X-rays

When a dentist needs to have a better look at your teeth, gums, and jaw, they will take what is called a radiograph, also known as a dental x-ray. This can help to identify cavities, decay, a misaligned bite, bone diseases, misaligned teeth, and more. Many times, dental issues that cant be seen with just a look inside the mouth, are found through a radiograph or x-ray.

When Would the Dentist Use an X-Ray?

At Dental Care of Plano, there are several reasons why we might want to take a radiograph. These include:

  • Checking the growth in a childs mouth
  • Evaluating a progressing bone disease
  • Monitoring tooth decay
  • Revealing wisdom teeth
  • Revealing injuries or abscesses
  • Customizing clear aligners for orthodontic treatment
  • To give a second opinion on another dentists recommendation

There are other reasons as well, but these are the most common reasons why we may wish to take a radiograph.

Are Dental X-Rays Safe?

Yes, dental radiographs or x-rays are perfectly safe. They can be used on children and adults with no ill effects. For patients who are pregnant or nursing, a lead apron will be placed over the torso for comfort and safety before a radiograph is performed. Children will also be covered in an apron, again more for comfort than because the treatment is unsafe.

During a dental radiograph, you will typically be asked to place your head in a brace, similar to having an eye exam. You will be asked to bite down on a piece of material, and the machine will take a picture of the side of your face. It takes only a few seconds and you wont feel a thing.

To learn more about dental x-rays, you can contact our office at any time. We are always happy to answer your questions and to schedule your next appointment.